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The 2023 National FBP (Student Band Festival) is a prestigious band competition event organized by the Music Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State University. FBP has been held since 2019, with participants coming from

The Unesa String Quartet has once again made achievements on the international stage. This time they brought home a silver medal in the Euroasia Strings Competition

Unesa FBS Music Study Program Students Selected to Become GBN Orchestra Team at Jakarta State Palace
Congratulations!Students from the Music Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State University were once again selected to be part of the Surabaya Orchestra and Choir Team at the State Palace in Jakarta. Th

For those of you who are alumni of the Sendratasik Department. Let's join the discussion about art careers together: "Hari Ghurur" who is a successful Sendratasik alumni in his career. Stay tune! 20 May 2022 15.00-15.30WIB

Lecture or Career? Confused, let's follow our friend Maretha Primadani from (2019 Music Arts Study Program) as a resource person in an Online Seminar organized by ITS Business Management

Success in running the 2020 National Student Band Festival, now the Surabaya State University Music Art Study Program is holding the 2021 National Student Band Festival again. The 2021 National Student Band Festival still uses the Indonesian theme so